Choosing your starter in Pokémon Gold is one of the most exciting decisions in the game. Whether you’re revisiting this classic or playing it for the first time, the starter you pick can shape your early game experience and influence how you approach battles, especially against the first few gym leaders. In Pokémon Gold, you have three options: Cyndaquil, Totodile, and Chikorita. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses, and players tend to gravitate toward different choices based on personal preferences, strategy, and nostalgia.
Cyndaquil: The Fire Starter
Cyndaquil is a solid choice for players who enjoy a fast-paced, offensive playstyle. As a Fire-type Pokémon, Cyndaquil gives you a good advantage early in the game, particularly against the first two gym leaders, Falkner and Bugsy, thanks to its Fire-type moves.
Pros of Cyndaquil:
- Strong against early gyms: Cyndaquil’s Fire-type moves give it an edge against the first few gyms. You’ll have an easier time against Falkner’s Flying-type Pokémon and Bugsy’s Bug-types.
- Powerful Evolution: Cyndaquil evolves into Typhlosion, a fast and strong Special attacker, making it an excellent choice for late-game battles.
- Great move coverage: Typhlosion can learn a variety of powerful moves, including Thunderpunch and Earthquake, giving it versatile coverage in battle.
Cons of Cyndaquil:
- Tough against some early wild Pokémon: In the early stages, you may struggle against Rock- and Water-types, especially with limited move options until it evolves.
Many players swear by Cyndaquil for its early-game advantages and the powerhouse Typhlosion becomes later on. As one player said, «Cyndaquil gang» and «Fire team 🔥🔥🔥,» showing just how popular this choice can be.
Totodile: The Water Starter
Totodile is another popular choice, especially for players who appreciate a well-rounded Pokémon. As a Water-type, Totodile offers a mix of offense and defense, making it a good all-around option.
Pros of Totodile:
- Strong design and progression: Many players love Totodile’s design, and its evolutions into Croconaw and Feraligatr give it great power and versatility.
- Good against early Water Pokémon: Totodile has a strong advantage in early game battles, including the Cianwood City Gym, where it’s useful against the Fighting-type Gym Leader, Chuck.
- Great later game: Feraligatr is a powerful physical attacker with access to a variety of moves, making it a formidable opponent in the late game.
Cons of Totodile:
- Weaker against early Grass-types: It can struggle against Grass-type Pokémon early on, especially in the early stages of the game.
Totodile fans love the solid all-around nature of the Water-type and its cool evolution line, often calling it «Totodile gang.» The “coolest designs by far,” as one fan puts it, is another reason why many choose this starter.
Chikorita: The Grass Starter
Chikorita, though often considered the underdog, has its own merits. With a defensive nature, it can tank hits and support your team with status moves, though it doesn’t have as much offensive power as the other two starters.
Pros of Chikorita:
- Defensive power: Chikorita’s high defense stats make it a tank, and moves like Reflect and Poison Powder can support your team throughout the game.
- Great for a defensive strategy: If you prefer a slower, more methodical playstyle, Chikorita’s supportive role can be valuable.
- Strong late-game presence: As it evolves into Meganium, it gains access to strong moves like Synthesis and Giga Drain, which can be useful in extended battles.
Cons of Chikorita:
- Weak against early gyms: Chikorita can struggle against Falkner’s Flying-types and Bugsy’s Bug-types early on, as its Grass-type moves are weak against them.
- Less offensive power: Chikorita’s offensive potential is limited compared to Cyndaquil and Totodile, making it a tougher choice for players who prefer a more aggressive playstyle.
Chikorita fans often praise its defensive capabilities and appreciate the challenge of using it, even though it might not be the easiest choice.
Conclusion: Which Starter Is the Best?
Ultimately, your choice of starter comes down to your personal playstyle:
- Cyndaquil is great if you want an offensive powerhouse that can take down early gyms with ease and become a dominant force in the late game.
- Totodile is a great choice for players who want a balanced, versatile Pokémon that’s both defensive and offensive, with strong evolutions.
- Chikorita is perfect for players who enjoy a defensive, supportive playstyle and don’t mind a tougher early game for a strong, tanky Pokémon later on.
As one fan succinctly put it, «Cyndaquil gang,» while another proudly declares, «Totodile all the way!» Whichever you choose, you’re in for an exciting adventure in Pokémon Gold! Happy gaming!