Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Cheats: How to Get Infinite Money and Duplicate Items

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet may not have launched in the smoothest of states, but this has allowed players to discover some useful cheats, glitches, and workarounds for obtaining extra items and money. While there are no official cheats, the following methods can help you duplicate items and accumulate wealth in the game.

Important Reminders:

  • Do not use these cheats in multiplayer mode, as this may lead to a ban.
  • These glitches could be patched at any time, so it's best not to update your game if you want to continue using them.

Here are the most popular cheats and glitches in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet:

Shiny Spot Duplication

One of the easiest cheats to exploit, though its effectiveness depends on luck. This glitch allows you to duplicate items found in shiny spots on the ground. Here's how to do it:

  1. Find a shiny spot on the ground.
  2. Set up a picnic over the spot.
  3. Eventually, an item will appear in your picnic basket.
  4. Leave the picnic, and over time, the item will continue to spawn.

While the items you find are often low-value, like TM ingredients, you could get lucky with a rare or valuable item if you're persistent.

Duplicate Wild Shiny Pokémon

This cheat allows you to duplicate shiny Pokémon in the wild. To perform this glitch:

  1. Find and catch a shiny Pokémon.
  2. Save the game just before entering the nearest town or city (one that doesn’t require a loading screen).
  3. Return to the shiny Pokémon’s location, and you'll find a duplicate.

While this duplication isn't particularly useful for all shiny Pokémon, it can be handy if you're looking for multiple copies to evolve.

Item Duplication

This cheat is a bit more complex but allows you to duplicate items if you've completed Area Zero. Follow these steps:

  1. Turn your Miraidon/Koraidon into battle form.
  2. Give your Miraidon/Koraidon the item you want to duplicate.
  3. Make sure your party is full and then catch a wild Pokémon.
  4. Choose Miraidon/Koraidon to be sent to your box.
  5. Quickly press the A and B buttons.
  6. Your Miraidon/Koraidon will duplicate in your box, and the item will be added to your bag.
  7. When you add Miraidon/Koraidon back to your party, it will still be holding the item.

This glitch works well for duplicating rare items like Ability Patches, Rare Candies, and even the Master Ball.

Infinite Money Glitch

This classic cheat works by expanding on the shiny spot duplication glitch. Here's how to get infinite money:

  1. Go to the shop with the red door in Mesagoza (West).
  2. Buy five strawberries and five bananas.
  3. Head to the shop with the green and white awning on your right.
  4. Buy butter, cream cheese, peanut butter, and picks.
  5. Go to West Province (Area One) – North, and then the Asado Desert.
  6. Open the menu, select 'Options', and turn off Autosave.
  7. Save your game.
  8. Look for a sparkle spot and pick it up.
  9. Repeat saving and picking up sparkle spots until you find a high-value item.
  10. Press the HOME button to open the Switch menu and close the game.
  11. Reopen the game and head towards the shiny spot with the high-value item.
  12. Set up a picnic over the spot, making a sandwich (preferably a Great Peanut Butter Sandwich) to activate Level Two Egg Power.
  13. Wait for a few minutes, and check your picnic basket. Instead of eggs, you’ll find duplicates of the high-value item.
  14. After waiting around 30 minutes, you should have enough duplicates to sell for a substantial profit.

This glitch is a bit complicated, so it may be helpful to watch YouTuber Kibbles for a visual guide.

Secret Backup Save

If you encounter a crash or other issues, there’s a simple way to restore a recent save, even if you have autosave turned off:

  1. On the title screen, press the X button, B button, and Up on the control pad.
  2. This will bring up stats for a recent save, which you can restore by selecting "Start from Backup Data."

This is more of a useful feature than a cheat, but it's a great tool to know about when you need to recover your game progress.

Stay tuned for more cheats and tips for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet!

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